CIOT represents its members at the CFE
In April, CIOT colleagues and volunteers attended CFE Tax Adviser Europe meetings which included the New Tax Professionals committee which discussed the OECD Report on Tax Policy and Gender Equality. The Tax Tech committee discussed emerging themes and the Professional Affairs Committee (PAC) included lively debate about a number of professional standards related issues, which continue to be of relevance despite the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
The PAC meeting included a discussion about the CFE Statement on the European Parliament Report on the Pandora Papers Revelations. The statement was agreed for submission and the final version is available on the CFE website (see
PAC Committee members were aware of the work of the International Ethics Standard Board for Accountants (IESBA) on the code addressing tax planning and related services. CFE had already liaised with IESBA on earlier drafts. Some reservations about the proposals were discussed and it was agreed that these would be fed back to IESBA.
An update was provided to the Committee in relation to continuing CFE engagement and outreach activities with the European Commission and the European Parliament regarding their proposals on further regulation of the provision of tax advice in the EU. Whilst outreach continues, we await clarity on the EU direction of travel relating to this.
There was a discussion of the various EU Directives on Administrative Cooperation (DAC) and the CFE is engaging with the European Commission on the evaluation of DAC.
The Committee looked ahead to the September 2023 Professional Affairs Conference and it was agreed that the role of Technology and in particular AI should be included in the Conference programme.