In the news: September 2022

23 August 2022


ATT’s Emma Rawson told the BBC that the main driver behind cutting corporation tax is to stimulate businesses to invest and make the UK more internationally competitive.

BBC News Channel, July 2022

‘To go from the small numbers in the pilot to the millions of businesses and landlords that need to comply in less than two years is a mammoth task.’

CIOT’s Richard Wild commenting on HMRC’s plans to expand the MTD trial

The Times, 18 June 2022

‘Two of the leading professional bodies representing taxpayers, the Chartered Institute of Taxation and the Association of Taxation Technicians, are calling on HMRC to increase their publicity on MTD for Income Tax, noting this lack of preparedness and enthusiasm among many businesspeople.’

Daily Telegraph, 21 June 2022

‘The economic support measures undoubtedly helped many businesses survive the pandemic but [we] will probably have to wait a number of years [to] find out how much of the tax deferred in 2020-21 will ultimately go unpaid due to business failure.’

John Barnett, quoted in The Independent, 23 June 2022. Our analysis of the ‘tax gap’ also appeared in the Evening Standard and City AM

‘Advisers are so concerned that they have written to Myrtle Lloyd, the director-general of customer services at HMRC, about “long-standing concerns over service levels”. The letter was signed by the CIOT, the ATT, and the Institutes of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and Scotland.’

The Times, 9 July 2022