ATT President’s Reception

On 27 April 2023, ATT President David Bradshaw hosted a reception at The London Edition, a hotel in central London.
The reception provided an opportunity to say thank you to the many volunteers who have given their time to assist the Association in its activities.
Over 50 guests attended the evening, including representatives from other professional bodies, employers of ATT members and students and other stakeholders.
‘It’s absolutely great to see everyone gathered together in the old-fashioned way,’ David told attendees. ‘This event is all about rewarding the volunteers for their noble efforts throughout the year… Our volunteers number around 80, many of whom are here this evening, and combined they contribute approximately 6,000 hours of time to the Association.’
David was particularly pleased to present a number of awards at the Reception.
Tanya Wadeson was presented with the Council Award. Tanya has served on ATT Council for 12 years (2009 to 2021) and has served as a member and subsequent Chair of the Member Steering Group. She has also been active in the Sussex Branch for many years.
Diane Burleigh was presented with a certificate for Honorary Fellowship. Diane was appointed the Association’s first Lay Public Interest Observer in 2016, a position she held until the end of 2022.
Arnold Homer was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his long service on the Technical Steering Group.

David presenting Tanya Wadeson with the Council Award

David presenting Diane Burleigh with her certificate for Honorary Fellowship

David presenting Arnold Homer with his Certificate of Appreciation