The ATT’s 10,000th member

Membership: The ATT’s 10,000th member
27 September 2024

The ATT welcomed Molly Eldridge into ATT membership in September 2024. We took the opportunity to ask her about her ATT qualification and how it felt to be our 10,000th member.

Congratulations on completing your ATT qualification, becoming our 10,000th ATT member and joining the ATT Community.

Thank you! I was so pleased to find out that I qualified and even more so that I was the 10,000th ATT member.

What made you study the ATT qualification?

As the daughter of a small business owner, I saw the devastating effects of the Covid pandemic on small businesses. My family turned to accountants and tax advisers for help, so from a young age I wanted to follow this path to help small business owners better understand their taxes to allow for better planning.

What motivated you to want to become an ATT member?

I have been lucky throughout my career so far to work for a lovely firm called Kendall Wadley. My seniors and bosses here have been so supportive and encouraging – it really made the process a lot easier. I genuinely found the qualification very interesting and I loved learning about the intricacies of tax legislation.

How do you think achieving the ATT membership designation will help your career development?

Throughout the qualification, I was becoming more confident in the rules and legislation. The ATT course has given me the confidence to research new and interesting topics and meet with clients on a regular basis. 

What benefits do you think your ATT membership will bring to your employer?

It is important for our firm to build long-lasting relationships with our clients to provide the highest standards possible. The designatory letters after our names ensures that clients can trust us, which is an important building block for our compliance work, as well as getting more client referrals.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

I’m proud of my development in my career so far – in particular, having qualified at the age of 20. Most of my peers are in university which, although it carries its own benefits, never stood out as the best option for me.

I decided to start my career straight out of sixth form. My teachers and peers told me that I was challenging myself too much, and that I should take some more time to figure things out. I’m so glad that I didn’t take that advice. These last two years have been the best of my life so far. I have learnt so much, had the flexibility to holiday abroad and, most importantly, proved myself right!

What was your perception of taxation before you started your ATT training and how has this changed?

My perception of tax before my ATT training was that it was very black and white. I wasn’t expecting to be learning new things daily or for there to be quite so many intricacies.

I’m excited to spend every day within my tax career learning more about the legislation.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of doing an ATT qualification?

Do it! Even if you doubt yourself. It is a great foundation to your career, and you will meet some great people along the way.

Tell us something about yourself that others may not know about you?

I love to ice skate. It is something I started three years ago, and I fell in love with it. It is the place where I can really switch off. I help with coaching at my local rink and I am currently learning to do Lutz jumps and sit spins.