As life returns to London, is it time to join WCoTA?

28 March 2022

Have you thought about joining the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers, the City Livery Company for the tax profession?

One of the three principal aims of the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers’, the City of London’s livery company for those connected to the tax profession, is to promote fellowship among tax advisers. Membership of the Company is certainly a great way to make friends, build a network and expand one’s links within the profession at any stage of a career in tax; and to maintain those friendships and links outside work and beyond retirement.

This has remained particularly true throughout the past two years when such fellowship has been a welcome relief from Covid-19 restrictions and self-isolation. Admittedly, the Company’s activities have been largely virtual during the pandemic, although there have been some very real events as and when restrictions allowed, most notably a celebration at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall of the Company’s 25th anniversary and of the charities it supports. But real or virtual, the Company’s events throughout the past two years have attracted a steady flow of new members who have discovered the value and benefits of becoming a member.

Last month, the Company celebrated the post-Covid return of normal life to the City with its annual Budget Banquet in Saddlers’ Hall. It now once again offers all its members a full programme of in-person Company and City social events, lunches and dinners as it pursues its two other principal aims: supporting and funding charitable and benevolent causes; and enhancing the standing of the tax profession in the City of London.

If would like to know more about the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers, what it does, the benefits of membership and how to join, you can obtain full details via the Company’s website at or from the Clerk Stephen Henderson at Applications for membership of the Company are considered four times a year, in February, April, September and November. So applications received before the end of August will be considered in time to attend the Thanksgiving Service and Installation Dinner on 28 September, which mark the start of the Company’s annual cycle of events and activities.