November 2021 exam results
On 26 January 2022, the CIOT and the ATT announced the results from their November 2021 exam sessions. The CIOT exams were taken by 1,008 candidates with a further 329 candidates who sat one or more papers on the ACA CTA Joint Programme (with ICAEW) and 23 candidates who sat a paper on the newest route to qualification, the CA CTA Joint Programme (with ICAS). In addition, 811 Tax Pathway candidates sat a combination of ATT and CTA papers. The ATT exams were taken by 776 candidates with an additional 811 sitting some ATT papers on the ATT CTA Tax Pathway.
The Institute President, Peter Rayney, commented: ‘I would like to offer my very warmest congratulations to all the candidates who have made progress towards becoming a Chartered Tax Adviser as a result of passing one or more papers at the November 2021 examination session. 334 candidates have successfully completed all of the CTA examinations and we very much look forward to welcoming them as members of the Institute in the near future. Included in this figure are 75 candidates who were on the ACA CTA Joint Programme and 76 candidates who have now fully completed the ATT CTA Tax Pathway by passing the CTA element. We are also delighted that we have one candidate on the new CA CTA Joint Programme with ICAS who has completed the exam requirements for membership.’
The Association President, Richard Todd, commented: ‘I am delighted to congratulate all the successful candidates from the November sitting of our exams. In total 1,438 papers were sat and 1,104 passes were achieved with 76 distinctions awarded for outstanding performance.’
Information regarding these results, including pass lists, can be found on the CIOT and ATT websites and on the Tax Adviser website.