Volunteers required for anti-money laundering working party

01 May 2015

The CIOT/ATT anti-money laundering (AML) working party comprises volunteer members and head office staff. We are looking for more volunteers (either members or nominated by our members) to join this group which meets about three times a year at Artillery House. You may also be asked for occasional input by email. The working party’s tasks include:

  • reviewing policies and procedures in accordance with the Money Laundering Regulations;
  • developing and monitoring strategy for the provision of AML supervision;
  • reviewing reports and considering responses for submission to HM Treasury; and
  • considering money laundering risk assessments as well as procedures for suspicious activity reports (SARs).

Members with AML and risk management knowledge or experience of the practical application of AML legislation (particularly in relation to client acceptance policies and procedures) would be ideal. If you are interested in getting involved, please email your details to technical@tax.org.uk. It would be helpful to include a brief note about your AML experience.