CIOT President's page: Celebrating our technical work
In terms of the CIOT’s charitable objectives ‘to advance public education in and promote the study of the administration...
CIOT President's page: Future proofing
Passing technical examinations is central to becoming a member of the CIOT.
CIOT President's page: Public education
During the election campaign, there has been much talk about tax.
CIOT President's page: The start of a journey
I am honoured to become President – it’s a great privilege and I hope to do my best to fulfil the role well....
Scottish taxes: the progress of continuing devolution
This article outlines the range of tax powers devolved to Scotland, the 2024/25 Scottish Budget proposals, the wider fun...
CIOT Vice president's page: We are setting standards
There have been significant concerns about HMRC service standards.
CIOT Vice President's page: Our heartfelt condolences
To begin with may I join our President Susan Ball in sending heartfelt condolences on behalf of the CIOT to the Royal Fa...
Scottish taxes in the spotlight
CIOT and ICAS have been active stakeholders in the development of the Scottish parliament’s devolved tax powers, through...
Devolving taxes: learning from the Scottish experience
Introduction The Scottish Taxes Policy Forum (STPF) has been formed in order to collaborate on technical analysis of Sc...
Ongoing change
This time last year there was much anticipation: what would the Scottish Government do with the new powers that gave it ...