Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTD): More news on applying for exemption, penalties and updated guidance
Exemption from MTD Jayne Simpson’s article in last month’s Tax Adviser summarised the grounds in respect of which exemp...
Structures and Buildings Allowances: draft legislation
It was announced at Budget 2018 that a new class of capital allowances – Structures and Buildings Allowances (SBAs) – wo...
Insolvency and tax debts: a consultation
Since 2003, when ‘Crown Preference’ was effectively abolished, HMRC has been a non-preferential creditor in respect of a...
Corporate capital loss restriction: consultation on delivery
At Budget 2018 the Chancellor announced that the corporate income loss restriction (CILR) introduced in April 2017 would...
Amendments to tax returns: ATT, CIOT and LITRG responses
HMRC released a call for evidence on 7 November 2018 to explore how tax returns are amen
Structures and buildings allowances: where are we now?
It was announced at Budget 2018 that a new class of capital allowances – Structures and Buildings Allowances (SBAs) – wo...
Extension of Offshore Time Limits: Clauses 79 and 80
Clauses 79 and 80 of the Finance Bill increase the assessment time limits for income tax, capital gains tax and inherita...
Avoidance involving profit fragmentation: Clause 16
Clause 16 and Schedule 4 of the Finance Bill introduces new anti-avoidance rules from April 2019 to tackle profit splitt...
Carried forward corporation tax losses: compliance requirements
New restrictions on the amount of brought forward corporation tax losses which can be offset in any one year took effect...
House of Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee: call for evidence on HMRC powers and Making Tax Digital
The House of Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee (the ‘Sub-Committee’) have announced that, in scrutinising the draft Finan...