Blue badge scheme and passported tax reliefs
Around 2.4 million people currently have blue badges in England, which allows them to park for free in some pay and disp...
RTI and use of data in the benefits system
The full report can be accessed on GOV.UK.
Auto enrolment becoming business as usual
Every employer in the UK must now put certain staff into a pension scheme and contribute towards it. This is called ‘aut...
A greater tax enforcement role for the Gangmasters Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA)?
The GLAA is a Non-Departmental Public Body working to protect vulnerable and exploited workers.
Taxation of employee expenses: ATT, CIOT and LITRG respond to call for evidence
The call for evidence on the taxation of employee expenses published in March 2017 by HM Treasury (HMT) has three main o...
Travel and subsistence and employment intermediaries – a year on
Background Umbrella companies take on temporary workers such as contractors or agency workers as their own employees wi...
Independent Review of Employment Practices in the Modern Economy
The ‘Matthew Taylor review’ has six key themes including security, pay and rights, progression and training and the bala...
The gig economy
The idea behind the gig economy is simple: our resources can be better used if we share them.
Disability issues – HMRC seeks expertise
Do you feel you have expertise or insight that could help HMRC better understand the needs of people with disabilities t...
Employer-provided living accommodation
The CIOT responded to the government’s call for evidence on the taxation of employer-provided living accommodation, whic...