Three-party transactions: the challenges of input tax
When we think about the VAT implications of a three-party deal, we usually reflect on the output tax challenges, and I c...
Three party transactions: output tax issues
Party ‘A’ sells standard rated goods or services to ‘B’. ‘B’ makes a profit and sells to ‘C’. ‘B’ is registered for VAT ...
Zero rated and exempt sales: getting the paperwork right
Two cases recently heard in the First-tier Tribunal have given us an important reminder about VAT and record-keeping: if...
VAT and property: clearing up myths and common mistakes
VAT and property is a nightmare topic for clients and advisers.
Challenges for charities: some common questions
Our charity is not registered for VAT but the total income is close to the annual £85,000 threshold.
Value added tax: is it time to leave the flat rate scheme?
My previous article for Tax Adviser about the flat rate scheme was published in July 2019.
Mixed supply challenges: apportioning output tax
VAT and mixed supplies is a hotbed topic that has probably perplexed HMRC’s policy teams more than most other issues....
The 50th anniversary of VAT: some of the cases to celebrate
VAT is now 50 years old. That is an impressive milestone.
Investigating underpaid VAT: HMRC's best powers of judgment
Image:© Getty images/iStockphoto Imagine the following situation: you trade in the High Street as a retail outlet – let...
VAT errors and adjustments: some practical examples
© Getty images/iStockphoto HMRC has recently introduced a new online form to correct errors made by a business on past ...