Tracy Easman.jpg

ATT President's page

You started to get used to the pages being written by my illustrious Deputy President Jeremy Coker – and here I pop up, ...

ATT welcome, July 2018

Hello to you all. Well, it seems like only yesterday I was sitting down to write my first page for Tax Adviser – and her...

ATT Welcome, May 2018

This is my first welcome since the Spring Statement and for the first time in ages the sight of a Chancellor sitting dow...

ATT welcome, February 2018

Well here we are, another January deadline has passed. I hope it was as stress free as possible for our members who work...

ATT Welcome, January 2018

Happy New Year! I hope you took the opportunity to recharge your batteries over the Christmas period....

ATT Welcome, December 2017

As another Christmas approaches, we all know that is a reminder of another significant tax return deadline that we have ...

ATT Welcome, November 2017

Windy autumn is a period when tax advisers and taxpayers hang on to their macs and hats as they go about visiting one an...