
Capital Relief

The Government is under increasing pressure to improve the availability and quality of housing in the UK....

Great Expectations

The Principal Private Residence relief (‘PPR’) provided to individuals on the disposal of their main residence is probab...

Spring Cleaning

The capital gains tax exemption on the disposal of a person’s only or main residence (which is in most cases automatic),...

Chair's view, Issue 1

2015 has been something of a year of change in the world of property tax and the Property Taxes Technical Sub-Committee ...

Steady as she goes?

A majority government, a radical new leader of the opposition, a new third party at Westminster, a new First Minister of...

Interesting cap

The G20/OECD published its report, Limiting Base Erosion Involving Interest Deductions and Other Financial Payments on 5...

To elect or not?

Many companies have recently moved, or are about to move, from preparing their accounts in accordance with UK GAAP (excl...