Good Work consultations: a flurry of activity!
The government published a consultation in July, in response to the Low Pay Commiss
The government published a consultation in July, in response to the Low Pay Commiss
Inquiry into the take-up of benefits in Scotland LITRG recently submitted written evidence to the Social Security Commi...
The law relating to surrogacy arrangements is under review by the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission....
In early September, Boris Johnson announced a review of the loan charge, saying, ‘It is a very, very difficult issue and...
At its September meeting, members of the CIOT’s Owner Managed Business (OMB) technical sub-committee identified some rec...
In February 2017, the Department for Communities and Local Government published the White Paper: ‘Fixing our broken hous...
The crucial issue for most practitioners advising clients with cryptoassets is guidance.
The CIOT is represented on the HMRC forum Stamp Duty Land Tax Working Together.
There will be plenty of opportunities for members to pose questions to the speakers during the webinar using the webinar...
Every tax adviser knows that getting the tax consequences of personal financial decisions wrong can be costly....