DITT: Tafana Caesar

DITT: Tafana Caesar
22 May 2024

Tafana Caesar recently completed the Diploma in Tax Technology and received a Distinction. She shares her DITT learning journey, motivation to study and the tax technology area she works in.

How did you first start working in tax?

I began my career in tax whilst I was at university, when I completed a summer internship in tax with Ernst & Young, before joining their graduate scheme as an Assistant Tax Advisor specialising in corporation tax and completing the ATT qualification.

What motivated you to undertake this qualification?

When the DITT launched, I was excited as I had previously had to merge my tax and technology experience through trial and error. Being the first official certification for tax technology from a professional body, I jumped at the chance to complete the qualification and I presented a business case for my employer to reimburse my fees.

How did the DITT qualification help you in your day-to-day job?

I currently work within the personal tax space as a Product Manager for software, which feeds into the self-assessment process. The DITT has helped me to map out tax processes and my learnings can be applied on a global scale – which is where my future aspirations lie. The material also explains concepts simply, in turn allowing me to communicate the reasons for my decisions to non-tax technology professionals, which has been the key to success in my role.

What learning and skills have you developed because of studying the DITT?

The course reminded me to broaden my skills outside of my current sphere of experience. I enjoyed Module 4 ‘Emerging Technologies’ the most. Whilst I recognised the tax implications of emerging technologies, sometimes it’s easy to forget how they can assist in optimising the tax process itself. The practical application examples in the learning materials brought the subject to life and provided me with ideas on how I can use them to enhance my existing role. Most relevant to my current role was Module 7, ‘Essential Elements of Technology Management for Tax.’ I was able to learn about frameworks for understanding and optimising tax processes which are directly applicable in my existing role.

How do you think this programme will benefit the profession?

I think the DITT will empower people to undertake tax technology projects with the confidence that they can make decisions with context and based on data. There is still a relatively small number of professionals who operate in the tax technology space and the DITT will encourage more tax professionals to transition into the field.

Any words of wisdom to future candidates thinking of studying the DITT?

Having something to look forward to on completion of each milestone or at the end of the qualification helps. For me, the certificate and spa day I promised myself at the end kept me motivated to stick to my learning schedule. Keeping a running list of practical applications in your existing role also helps, so find ways to implement what you’ve learned in your work. The field is fast-moving, so staying up to date with recent developments and practising what you’re learning is key!

Read Tafana’s full interview at: www.tax.org.uk/tafana-caesar